Top tips to helping your business reduce its carbon footprint

In a landmark report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – published in October 2018 – the world’s leading climate scientists warned that there are only 12 or so years for global warming to be kept to a maximum of 1.5C, beyond which even half a degree will significantly worsen the risks of drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for hundreds of millions of people – as reported by

It’s thus more imperative than ever that businesses do their utmost to improve their green credentials (whilst also saving money on energy overheads). Here some small but significant ideas:

Use Renewable Energy: Fossil fuels — coal, petroleum, and natural gas — are the main source of energy, producing the vast majority of fuel, electricity, and heat used by people across the globe. It’s these fossil fuels that are the primary contributors to the global warming epidemic. Renewable energy is one of the most important solutions to global warming. You might not be able to build an entire solar field (like Google) but you can ensure that your energy company has you enrolled in the ‘greenest’ programme possible.

Go Paperless – large-scale deforestation is also one of the major contributors to global warming, so why not go paperless (wherever possible)? We have the technology to run businesses on as little paper as possible; embrace this with e-receipts, digital job applications, e-signatures etc!

Recycle and USE Recycled Products – most businesses are on top of recycling, with plastic, cans and paper slotted into the appropriate bins…but what about buying post-consumer recycled products (boxes, cups, packaging, paper etc.) for business use?

Reduce Energy Use – use LED bulbs instead of light bulbs, upgrade appliances to ones that have an Energy Star rating, switch off systems at close-of-day and use a programmable thermostat to keep the office temperature steady – for example. The little things have a cumulative effect and can make a big difference.

It will take everyone doing their bit to combat global warming! Lead the way by reducing the environmental footprint of your business.

For all your energy related questions, feel free to contact the CH Systems team on 0208 302 8149 or

Sources: “How to improve your green energy credentials” –; Renewable Energy Is Critical To Stopping Global Warming” –; Energy and Global Warming –

Below ground gas work – Royal Chelsea Hospital

Following on from the enabling and installation work successfully carried out at the Royal Chelsea Hospital, the team at CH Systems proceeded to tackle the final part of the project: below ground gas pipework.

There were a number of irrigation pipes that crossed the tech and made the installation of a 125mm PE pipe quite awkward. To make it work, we had to squeeze off the existing below ground gas pipework on both sides of the site, which was followed by a tightness test on the entire gas carcass. The sheer size of the gas system as well as a lack of valves on location meant that we had to cut into the pipework. (See the below images for how it went down…)

Ultimately, the work was a success. The 200meters of pipe and multiple fittings we used on the job was supplied by Smith Brothers Stores, and went together without a hitch, making for a tidy installation.

Overall the client is very pleased with the work, as are we.