
The impact of heating on CO2 emissions

To avert the impact of climate change we must reduce our carbon emissions; this is not news. However, a new survey by clean tech company, Vestemi, has revealed that many of us don’t realise that heating buildings has an environmental effect. Most buildings in the UK, whether homes or businesses, run on fossil fuels such as natural gas or oil; as a result heating contributes to 37 per cent of the UK’s carbon levels.

According to Vestemi, over half the people surveyed had no idea that heating is contributing to the UK’s carbon level. When asked how they felt about this fact, 75 per cent said it made them feel helpless and unsure about how they could change this. When asked if they would put measures in place to help reduce emissions, 78 per cent said they would and were keen to know more about what was available to them. A quarter of respondents said it made them want to take urgent action.

As a home or business owner, one of the simplest ways to help reduce emissions is to turn the thermostat temperature down to 19ºC; 82per cent of survey respondents said they would do this, across ages. Other measures that can be implemented to help reduce the carbon footprint of your building are smart radiator thermostats and insulation, which were the most popular choices for survey respondents.

For respondents who are aware of the impact of heating on emissions, the majority opted for more costly options, including improving insulation and boiler replacements.

Jeremy Lock, CEO of Vestemi, says: “It’s clear the energy industry as a whole needs to raise more awareness of the solutions available. Reducing emissions is not about complicated solutions, it’s about making those small steps to great impact. If we all do a little, and now, we can achieve a lot more in a shorter timeframe and help reach that 2050 net zero goal.”

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