
Ten ways to help your business reduce its carbon footprint

The bigger the business, the bigger the carbon footprint – and the harder you’ll have to work to do your part help reduce global carbon emissions. The good news (for everyone) is that an increasing number of businesses are committed to 100 per cent renewable energy! Here are some practical steps your business (small or large) can take to shrink its footprint:

  1. Proper insulating. Poorly insulated premises require large quantities of energy to heat.
  2. Recycle.
  3. Support businesses (through business deals, purchases etc.) committed to reducing their impact on the climate.
  4. Buy gas and electricity from retailers who sell renewable power – this will grow companies, who can then offer competitive rates.
  5. Drive less. Walking or riding a bike releases far fewer carbon emissions into the atmosphere than driving a car.
  6. Reduce your water usage – encourage employees to take shorter showers, install low flush toilets, be sure to turn off the taps properly.
  7. Air travel is usually the largest component of the carbon footprint of frequent flyers – find an alternative mode of transport (trains?) or not take as many flights.
  8. Replace old gas and oil boilers, which can be wasteful. By replacing your old boiler with a new one (even if the old one is working well), your fuel use could fall by a third or more.
  9. Avoid energy-sapping halogen lights and go with LEDs (light-emitting diodes) where possible.
  10. Consume less. Invest in fewer and better things for your business.

For more ideas on how to reduce your carbon footprint, read “How to reduce your carbon footprint” and “Easy ways to reduce your carbon footprint“.

For all your energy related questions, feel free to contact the CH Systems team on 0208 302 8149 or